Fallout 4 AZERTY fix (by unknown Steam user, edited by RiptoR)

Fallout 4 AZERTY fix (by unknown Steam user, edited by RiptoR)

Page updated: 2015-11-12


Simple Autohotkey script (found on the Steam community) that changes the function a couple of keys (A -> Q, Q -> A, Z -> W, W -> Z), meant as a quick fix for AZERTY users to counteract the hardcoded WSAD keys during minigames/workshop building in Fallout 4. Hopefully Bethesda will fix this weird problem with a patch soon though.

With this script it will be as if you're on a qwerty board, and everything will work as it should. You will need to rebind movement keys from "zqsd" back to "wasd", but this only needs to be done once.

Download the script here (or see below for a text version of the scripts if you want to create the files yourself)

There are 4 versions of the script:

1. fallout4_azerty_fix_only.ahk
-> Script file that only changes the function a couple of keys

2. fallout4_azerty_fix_only.exe
-> Same as above (1), but compiled into a standalone exe

3. fallout4_azerty_fix_with_autostart_game.ahk
-> Script file that only changes the function a couple of keys, and also automatically starts Fallout 4 through Steam (needs Autohotkey to be installed)

4. fallout4_azerty_fix_with_autostart_game.exe
-> Same as above (3), but compiled into a standalone exe

The ".ahk" scripts need Autohotkey to be installed, and can be run by doubleclicking on them. The ".exe" versions were compiled with the latest version of Autohotkey (v1.1.22.07) and don't need Autohotkey to be installed.

KEEP IN MIND: The script stays active after closing the game and needs to be closed manually. You could keep it running though for subsequent game sessions, since the script doesn't interfere in normal Windows use because the changes only apply to the Fallout 4 window (it also uses very little to no resources). I'm looking into auto-closing the script after the game closes, but I'm not sure if this is possible or when this will be ready.

Now go explore the Wasteland with working controls :)

The scripts

Fix only

#SingleInstance Force
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 99999

;"fix" keys
#IfWinActive ahk_class Fallout4

Fix + autostart game through Steam

#SingleInstance Force
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 99999

;start game
Run, "steam://rungameid/377160"

;"fix" keys
#IfWinActive ahk_class Fallout4